RegularChains[ChainTools][Extend] - decomposes a triangular set into regular chains
Calling Sequence
Extend(rc, lp, R)
Extend(rc, lp, R, 'output'='lazard')
regular chain of R
polynomial of R
polynomial ring
(optional) boolean flag
The command Extend(rc, lp, R) returns a triangular decomposition (by means of regular chains) of the quasi-component defined by rc and lp. This assumes that polynomials of lp form a triangular set and are sorted in an ascending order according to their main variables. Moreover, it is assumed that each main variable of a polynomial in lp is larger than any variable appearing in rc. Therefore, the polynomials in rc and lp together must form a triangular set, which is, however, not necessarily a regular chain.
If the option 'output'='lazard' is present then the triangular decomposition is the sense of Lazard otherwise it is in the sense of Kalkbrener.
The RegularChains[ChainTools][Extend] command was introduced in Maple 15.

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![E := Extend(C, [(y-x)*z^2+(y+x)*z], R)](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6439/file06443/math141.png)
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![E := Extend(C, [(y-x)*z^2+z], R)](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6439/file06443/math152.png)
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See Also
Chain, Empty, Equations, Inverse, IsRegular, IsStronglyNormalized, PolynomialRing, RegularChains, RegularizeDim0, RegularizeInitial, SparsePseudoRemainder
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