QDifferenceEquations[QDispersion] - return the q-dispersion of two polynomials (or all the set of non-negative integers used in its definition)
Calling Sequence
QDispersion(s, t, q, x, 'maximal')
first polynomial
second polynomial
name or number used as the parameter q, usually q
independent variable, for example, x
(optional) indicates the q-dispersion itself must be returned rather than all the set of non-negative integers used in its definition
If two polynomials and , with both and nonzero, are given, the QDispersion(s,t,q,x,'maximal') calling sequence returns their q-dispersion, that is, if the option 'maximal' is specified. Otherwise, the QDispersion(s,t,q,x) calling sequence returns the set of all non-negative integers used in the definition of the q-dispersion.
The efficient algorithm for computing the dispersion of two polynomials is the algorithm by Yiu-Kwong Man and F.J.Wright. This algorithm is based on the factorization of the polynomials involved rather than on the resultant calculation as it was in earlier implementations. This algorithm is adapted for computing the q-dispersion of two polynomials.

| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3) |

| (4) |
Khmelnov, D.E. "Improved Algorithms for Solving Difference and q-Difference Equations." Programming and Computer Software. Vol. 26 No. 2. (2000): 107-115. Translated from Programmirovanie. No. 2.
Man, Yiu-Kwong, and Wright, Francis J. "Fast Polynomial Dispersion Computation and its Application to Indefinite Summation." Proceedings of ISSAC'94, pp. 175-180. ACM Press: New York, 1994.