LREtools[HypergeometricTerm][IsSolution] - verify whether an expression is a solution of a linear difference equation depending on a hypergeometric term
LREtools[HypergeometricTerm][AreSameSolution] - verify whether solutions of a linear difference equation depending on a hypergeometric term are equivalent
Calling Sequence
IsSolution(sol, r, eq, var)
AreSameSolution(sol, r, sol1, r1, n)
solution to be checked
hypergeometric term in the solution sol; specified as a list consisting of the name representing the term in the equation and in the solution and the certificate of the term, such as [t, n+1]
difference equation depending on a hypergeometric term
function variable for which to solve, such as y(x)
solution against which sol is compared
hypergeometric term in the solution sol1; specified as a list consisting of the name representing the term in the equation and in the solution and the certificate of the term, such as [t, n+1]
independent variable
The IsSolution(sol, r, eq, var) command returns true if eq is a linear difference equation with polynomial coefficients depending on a hypergeometric term and sol is its solution. Otherwise, false is returned.
The IsSolution function substitutes sol for the function variable and checks the result.
The AreSameSolution(sol, r, sol1, r1, n) command returns true if the solutions sol and sol1 are equivalent. Otherwise, false is returned.
The function transforms sol and sol1 to have the same term and checks that the number of linear independent solutions and degrees of corresponding elements in sol and sol1 are the same.
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