RegularChains[ConstructibleSetTools][RepresentingInequations] - return the list of inequations in a regular system
Calling Sequence
RepresentingInequations(rs, R)
regular system
polynomial ring
The command RepresentingInequations(rs, R) returns the inequations of the regular system rs, assuming that the polynomials of rs belong to R
This command is part of the RegularChains[ConstructibleSetTools] package, so it can be used in the form RepresentingInequations(..) only after executing the command with(RegularChains[ConstructibleSetTools]). However, it can always be accessed through the long form of the command by using RegularChains[ConstructibleSetTools][RepresentingInequations](..).
See ConstructibleSetTools and RegularChains for the related mathematical concepts, in particular for the ideas of a constructible set, a regular system and, a regular chain.
Define a polynomial ring.
| (1) |
Define a set of polynomials of R.
| (2) |
The command Triangularize (with lazard option) will decompose the common solutions of the polynomials system by means of regular chains.
| (3) |
Let be the first regular chain and be a polynomial regarded as an inequation.
![rc := dec[1]](/support/helpjp/helpview.aspx?si=6416/file06487/math134.png)
| (4) |
To obtain a regular system, check whether is regular with respect to .
| (5) |
Since is regular, you can build a regular system.
| (6) |
Notice that the inequation is returned by the command RepresentingInequations.
| (7) |
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