Typesetting[Settings] - adjust general typesetting package settings
Calling Sequence
Settings(arg1, arg2, ...)
either of the form name = value or simply name. Possible values for name are autoatomic, dot, functionassign, globalderivs, italicizesuppressedfunctions, numberfunctions, numericalderivs, prime, primenotationbound, striptrailing, tolerance, used, usedot, useprime, or userep;
The Settings command queries and sets general settings in the Typesetting package.
An argument of the form name returns the current value of the named variable. An argument of the form name = value returns the current value of the named variable and sets the named variable to value. The special argument all returns all current settings in equation form.
Each setting, its allowable values, and its effect on typesetting and parsing is described here.
autoatomic = true or false
Specifies the variable to which dot derivatives correspond. By default this value is .
As with the usedot option, the effect of this option is identical to that of prime for prime derivatives.
functionassign = true, false, or query
Specifies whether the notation corresponds to creation of the function (true), or a remember table assignment (false). The latter is the only option in 1-D input mode.
By default this option is query, which means in any cases where both forms are possible (i.e. is a name or sequence of names, and expression is a viable expression for an inline procedure), a dialog will be used to query the meaning.
globalderivs = true or false
Specifies whether global information should be used when typesetting derivatives. Normally, derivatives are examined individually to determine if partial or total derivative symbols should be used in the typeset output. Setting this option to 'true' will cause the entire expression to be examined. This option is useful for ensuring that partial derivatives are used for every component of a partial differential equation. By default this option is false.
italicizesuppressedfunctions = true or false
By default, functions that have dependencies suppressed on display using Suppress are displayed in upright font, in order to provide a visual difference from identifiers, which are displayed in italic font. Setting this option to 'true' will cause suppressed functions to display in italics, meaning that there will be no visual difference between the identifier 'f' and a suppressed function 'f(x,y,z)' displayed as 'f'.
numberfunctions = true or false
By default this option is false, which is in contrast to 1-D input mode for which this is always true.
numericalderivs = true, false, or query
Specifies whether a superscript containing either a positive integer or a simple name, that also possesses a redundant set of brackets, should be interpreted as a numerical notation differentiation with respect to the prime variable.
By default this option is query, which means in any cases where this is possible a dialog will be used to query if differentiation is intended, or if the superscript simply represents an exponent with redundant brackets. Setting this to true will allow the expression to parse to a differentiation without query, and setting this to false will allow the expression to parse to an exponent without query.
Note that this option does not apply to exponents attached to the base name of a function. Parsing of known functions always uses the internal rules of the parser. For unknown functions this can be controlled by the useprime setting. When set to true then functions are parsed as though numericalderivs = true, and when set to false functions are parsed as though numericalderivs = false.
Specifies the variable to which prime derivatives correspond. By default this value is .
The value `` is a special value that tells the parser to always parse prime derivatives as D operators.
primenotationbound = posint
Specifies the bound, after which differentiations of a univariate function of the prime variable are displayed with numbers instead of primes. By default this value is 4.
striptrailing = true or false
Specifies whether floating-point numbers with extra trailing significant zeros should have those zeros stripped on display. By default this option is false.
tolerance = true or false
Specifies whether the +/- symbol should be interpreted as an option selection (unary operator that parses similar to '+' or '-') for false, or as a tolerance (binary operator with strong precedence) for true. In any case, the +/- symbol parses to the function.
used = true, false, or query
Specifies the use of dot notation for derivatives of univariate functions in the dot variable (see dot above).
The rules for use of dot notation are identical to those for use of prime notation, except that by default this option is set to false, and dot differentiation only applies to functions and names, and not to expressions.
Specifies the use of prime notation for derivatives of univariate functions in the prime variable (see prime above).
When set to false, use of prime notation for unknown functions is disabled, though it may still be used for typesetting and parsing of special functions. In this case a prime does not correspond to a derivative, and if present on input will likely give a parse error.
Specifies use of repeated index notation for derivatives of multivariate functions that have dependency suppression enabled with the Suppress command.
By default this option is false. Examples of the use of this option can be found in the Suppress help page.
Note that in order to be able to use repeated index notation derivatives this option must be set to true, and the function for which the repeated index derivatives are to be displayed/entered must be declared via Suppress.
Check a setting
| (1) |
Check multiple settings
| (2) |
Check and adjust settings
| (3) |
| (4) |
| (5) |