Statistics[ChiSquareIndependenceTest] - apply the chisquare test for independence in a matrix
Calling Sequence
ChiSquareIndependenceTest(X, options)
Matrix of categorized data
(optional) equation(s) of the form option=value where option is one of level or output; specify options for the ChiSquareIndependenceTest function
The ChiSquareIndependenceTest function computes the chisquare test for independence in a matrix. This test attempts to determine if two factors can be considered to be independent of one another for purposes of analysis.
The first parameter X is a matrix of categorized data samples.
The options argument can contain one or more of the options shown below.
This option is used to specify the level of the analysis (minimum criteria for a data set to be considered independent). By default this value is 0.05.
output='report', 'statistic', 'pvalue', 'criticalvalue', 'distribution', 'hypothesis', or list('statistic', 'pvalue', 'criticalvalue', 'distribution', 'hypothesis')
This option is used to specify the desired format of the output from the function. If 'report' is specified then a module containing all output from this test is returned. If a single parameter name is specified other than 'report' then that quantity alone is returned. If a list of parameter names is specified then a list containing those quantities in the specified order will be returned.
This test generates a complete report of all calculations in the form of a userinfo message. In order to access this report, specify infolevel[Statistics] := 1.
Specify the matrices of categorized data values.
Perform the independence test on the first sample.
Chi-Square Test for Independence
Null Hypothesis:
Two attributes within a population are independent of one another
Alt. Hypothesis:
Two attributes within a population are not independent of one another
Dimensions: 3
Total Elements: 95
Distribution: ChiSquare(2)
Computed statistic: 10.7122
Computed pvalue: 0.00471928
Critical value: criticalvalue
Result: [Rejected]
There exists statistical evidence against the null hypothesis
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| (1) |
Perform the independence test on the second sample.
Chi-Square Test for Independence
Null Hypothesis:
Two attributes within a population are independent of one another
Alt. Hypothesis:
Two attributes within a population are not independent of one another
Dimensions: 3
Total Elements: 38
Distribution: ChiSquare(2)
Computed statistic: 0.128915
Computed pvalue: 0.937576
Critical value: criticalvalue
Result: [Accepted]
There is no statistical evidence against the null hypothesis
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| (2) |
Kanju, Gopal K. 100 Statistical Tests. London: SAGE Publications Ltd., 1994.
Sheskin, David J. Handbook of Parametric and Nonparametric Statistical Procedures. London: CRC Press, 1997.
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