| (1) |
Consider a PDE problem with two independent variables and one dependent variable, , and consider the list of infinitesimals of a symmetry group
| (2) |
In the input above you can also enter the symmetry without infinitesimals' labels, as in . The corresponding infinitesimal generator is
| (3) |
A is invariant under the symmetry transformation generated by in that , where, in this formula, represents the prolongation necessary to act on (see InfinitesimalGenerator).
The actual form of this finite, one-parameter, symmetry transformation relating the original variables to new variables, , that leaves invariant any PDE system admitting the symmetry represented by above is obtained via
| (4) |
where is a (Lie group) transformation parameter. To express this transformation using jetnotation use
| (5) |
| (6) |
That this transformation leaves invariant any PDE system invariant under above is visible in the fact that it also leaves invariant the infinitesimals ; to verify this you can use ChangeSymmetry
| (7) |
| (8) |
which is the same as (but written in terms of instead of ). So to this list of infinitesimals corresponds, written in terms of , this infinitesimal generator
| (9) |
which is also equal to , only written in terms of .
If the new variables, , are not indicated, variables prefixed by the underscore _ to represent the new variables are introduced
| (10) |
An example where the Lie group parameter appears only through the subexpression
| (11) |
A symmetry transformation with the parameter redefined
| (12) |