The new Context Panel on the right-hand side of the Maple interface is an important expansion of Maple’s Clickable Math capabilities. The Context Panel replaces and enhances the context-sensitive menus, which were accessed through the right-click menu, and offers a more discoverable way of exploring Maple's functionality.
When you click on a mathematical expression, Maple analyzes your expression and then presents you with a list of the most relevant operations and tools. Options could include solving for x, plotting your expression, finding the determinant, converting from one unit to another, applying a Fourier transform, integrating with respect to t, changing the numeric formatting in your result, calculating the average of your data, and much more, all depending on what makes sense. Simply selecting one of these options performs the operation. In addition, you can also use the context panel to customize the appearance of plots, change the properties of tables, and more. No knowledge of Maple syntax or Maple commands is required.