Calling Sequence
WreathProduct( G, H, ... )
RegularWreathProduct( G, H, ... )
G,H, ...
two or more permutation groups
Let and be permutation groups. The wreath product G H_ of by is a permutation group constructed as a semi-direct product of copies of (called the base group), where is the degree of , and the action of on the base group is the action of by permuting the copies of . Thus, the order of G H_ is equal to , and the degree of the wreath product is the product of the degrees of and .
The regular wreath product of and is the wreath product in which is considered as a regular permutation group on itself. (This is also called the "standard wreath product".)
The WreathProduct( G, H ) command returns a permutation group that is the wreath product G H_.
If more than two groups are provided as input, then an iterated wreath product is constructed using the left associative rule. For example, WreathProduct( A, B, C, D ) returns ((A B) C) D_.
The RegularWreathProduct( G, H ) command returns the regular wreath product of and . In this case, it is not required that be a permutation group, as a regular permutation representation of the finite group is used instead. (Here, may be either a Cayley table group or a finitely presented finite group, as well as a permutation group, which need not be itself regular.)
| (1) |
Iterated wreath products appear naturally as Sylow subgroups of symmetric groups of prime power degree.
Note that iterated wreath products grow quite rapidly.
| (8) |
| (9) |
The wreath product construction is not commutative; notice that even the order is different.
Note that the regular wreath product is also different in this case, since the second argument here is not the regular permutation representation of the symmetric group.
Since both and are transitive, so too is their wreath product.
However, in general, the wreath product is not primitive.
| (15) |
Here we construct a wreath product with an intransitive second argument.
The resulting group is not transitive.
| (17) |
Here we construct a wreath product with an intransitive first argument.
Again, the result is an intransitive group.
| (19) |
| (20) |
| (22) |
| (26) |
Notice that, if a group is already regular, then its regular wreath product is isomorphic to the ordinary wreath product.
| (27) |