find the stereographic projection of a point
Calling Sequence
StereographicProjection(P, P1, s)
the name of the point to be created
a point
a sphere
Let S and N be the south pole and the north pole of the sphere s, respectively. If P1 is a point on s, then the computed point P is the stereographic projection of P1 on s to the tangent plane sp at S, i.e., P is the intersection of the line l, which passes through N and P, and sp. If P1 is a point on the tangent plane sp, then the computed point P is a point on the sphere s such that P1 is the stereographic projection of P on s to the tangent plane sp.
For a detailed description of the object created P, use the routine detail (i.e., detail(P))
The command with(geom3d,StereographicProjection) allows the use of the abbreviated form of this command.
Define the point P(4/3,4/3,4/3) on the sphere s with center at (0,0,2) and radius 2
Find the stereographic projection P1 of P
Find the stereographic projection P2 of P1
The points P and P2 should have the same coordinates
See Also
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