Figure 1.3.1 contains a screenshot of the
tutor applied to the calculation of .
Figure 1.3.1 The Limit Methods tutor applied to
The following rules were applied: Factor, Sum, Identity, and Constant. The Factor rule does not appear in Table 1.3.1, and neither does l'Hôpital's Rule or the Change, Divide by Zero, and Rewrite rules. The Change rule is used to change variables in a limit calculation, whereas the Rewrite rule is used to rewrite the form of an expression. The Divide by Zero rule and l'Hôpital's rule will be used in conjunction with more advanced limit calculations later in the course. (See the note in Section 3.9 on the spelling and pronunciation of the French name L'Hôpital. The astute reader will observe that the spelling in the tutor differs from the spelling adopted in this text.)
The Understood Rules button at the top of the tutor can be used to signal Maple that a particular rule is "understood" and does not need to be explicitly invoked. Maple will then automatically apply such "understood" rules.
Note that the selected rule is generally applied to the first possible occurrence; it may be necessary to apply a rule multiple times in succession.
When the Close button on the Limit Methods tutor is pressed, an annotated solution such as the one in Table 1.3.2 is returned to the worksheet.
Table 1.3.2 Annotated solution returned by the
Note that the tutor can suggest steps that are not optimal. It is a tool for experimentation, not an infallible oracle.