The Continuous State Space (or State Space) block defines the relation between the input and the output in state space form:
The input is a vector of length , the output is a vector of the length , and is the number of states. Accordingly,
has the dimension: ,
has the dimension: ,
has the dimension: ,
has the dimension:
The dimensions of the state-space matrices specified in parameters , , , and need to be adjusted according to the number of inputs that you provide. To change the dimensions of a matrix in a parameter field, right-click (Control-click for Mac) the parameter field and select Edit Matrix Dimensions. You can then specify the number of rows and columns to include in the matrix.
Note: The context menu operation for setting the matrix dimension is not available if the parameter field is blank. In this case, you must enter a matrix as a list of lists, for example, [[1,2],[3,4]].