adjust gamma of an image
Calling Sequence
Gamma( img, gamma, opts )
Image; image to adjust
realcons; adjustment factor
(optional) equation(s) of the form option = value; specify options for the Gamma command
inplace = truefalse
Specifies whether the operation is performed in-place. This can be used to avoid allocating memory. The default is false.
output = Image
Specifies a data structure into which the output is written. This can be used to avoid allocating memory. The size and number of layers must match that of the input. The dimensions of the output image are adjusted so that the row and column indices match the input. The default is NULL.
The Gamma command performs a gamma adjustment on an image and returns a new, adjusted image. Gamma is a measure of nonlinearity in the color intensities.
The img parameter is the image to adjust.
The gamma parameter specifies the adjustment. Any numeric value is allowed, but typical adjustments are in the range 1/4 to 4. Values less than 1 lighten the midtones of the images, whereas values greater than 1 darken the midtones. The black (0.0) and white (1.0) levels are left unchanged.
The correction is made to each color channel separately and is computed by raising each pixel's intensity value to the gamma power.
If the image contains negative intensity values as a result of some previous image processing operation, gamma must be a positive integer. Otherwise, complex values will result and Gamma will return an error message. The Clip or FitIntensity commands can be used to ensure all intensity values are in the 0..1 range.
Error, (in ImageTools:-Gamma) pixel values must be nonnegative with nonintegral exponent
0.000 0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000
0.000 0.145 0.333 0.542 0.765 1.000
See Also
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