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Grid Computing Toolbox


The Maple Grid Computing Toolbox enables you to run Maple computations in parallel, taking advantage of all your hardware resources, cutting down on processing time, and enabling applications that were not possible before.


In Maple, the Grid package provides support for multi-process parallel computation on a local machine.  The Maple Grid Computing Toolbox allows you to deploy your parallel programs to large-scale compute clusters and supercomputers, taking full advantage of all available processing power to tackle very large problems. This allows you to handle problems that are not tractable on a single machine because of memory limitations or because it would simply take too long.


Key Features


Distribute Maple computations across a network


Integration with Microsoft Windows HPC Server, including Windows HPC Server 2008 R2


Self-assembling grid in local networks


Simple-to-use interactive interface for launching parallel jobs


Tools to develop and test applications on your desktop before deployment


Integration with PBS and other job scheduling systems


MPI and MPI-like message passing API (send, receive, etc.)


Automatic deadlock detection and recovery


High-level parallelization commands (map, seq, etc.)


Generic, parallel divide-and-conquer algorithm


Many documented examples


Support for heterogeneous networks


Access to all the computational power of Maple



The Grid Computing Toolbox is available in two different versions:


The Personal Edition supports up to 8 CPUs in the cluster.


The Cluster Edition supports an unlimited number of CPUs in the cluster.

For more details, visit the Grid Computing Toolbox website.


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