Solution by Context Panel
Control-drag the rational function.
Context Panel: Conversions≻Partial Fractions≻
When working interactively, this solution via the Context Panel is probably the most efficient. Of course, there is the command-based conversion to partial fractions, as illustrated in Table 6.4.5(a).
Assign the name to the given rational function.
Apply the convert command, with the option parfrac, and the independent variable .
Table 6.4.5(a) Use of the convert command to obtain a partial-fraction decomposition
The stepwise partial-fractions task template in Table 6.4.5(b) provides an interactive stepwise solution.
Solution by Task Template
Tools≻Tasks≻Browse: Algebra≻Partial Fractions≻Stepwise
Stepwise Partial Fraction Decomposition
Write rational function here
Write the partial-fraction decomposition template in this box
To determine the constants, multiply both sides of the identity (*) by the denominator of the fraction on the left.
Table 6.4.5(b) Task template for a stepwise interactive partial-fraction decomposition
Table 6.4.5(c) contains an interactive solution from first principles. A similar calculation in the form of a recorded demo can be found here.
Interactive solution from first principles
Control-drag the given rational function.
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻
Enter the decomposition template.
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻
Write and press the Enter key.
Context Panel: Simplify≻Simplify
Context Panel: Numerator
Context Panel: Collect≻
Context Panel: Coefficients≻
Context Panel: Solve≻Solve
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻
Expression palette: Evaluation template
Evaluate the template with the parameters in
Table 6.4.5(c) Interactive solution from first principles
Table 6.4.5(d) contains a coded solution from first principles.
Coded solution from first principles
Write the basic identity for the partial-fraction decomposition.
Multiply through by the denominator of the rational function.
Form the equation determined by identifying the coefficients of powers of .
Form the equation determined by identifying the coefficients of powers of .
Form the equation determined by identifying the coefficients of powers of .
Form the equation determined by identifying the coefficients of powers of .
Form the equation determined by identifying the coefficients of powers of .
Solve the four equations in .
Evaluate the basic partial-fractions identity with the values of the coefficients determined by the solve command.
Table 6.4.5(d) Coded solution from first principles
Essentially, the partial-fraction decomposition seeks to determine the parameters , that make equation (in Table 6.4.5(d)) an identity in . This can be done immediately with the following modification of Maple's solve command.