Initialization: Load the package and set the display of special functions in output to typeset mathematical notation (textbook notation):
| (1) |
Consider the HeunGPrime function
| (2) |
The singularities of are
| (3) |
How are these singularities computed? By first computing the linear ODE behind the function, then computing the ODE's singularities:
| (4) |
| (5) |
So a recurrence around the origin would have for radius of convergence
| (6) |
The singularities behind the general case of AppellF4:
| (7) |
| (8) |
In the output above we see, for instance, that when , at least one of the singularities disappears. Let's check that
| (9) |
So the whole set of singularities collapsed. The AppellF2 function has less complicated singularities
| (10) |
| (11) |
but the situation at is similar, only one finite singularity beyond the origin, though in this case equal to 1, as is the case of all the 10 Heun functions,
| (12) |