Chapter 9: Vector Calculus
Section 9.6: Surface Integrals
Example 9.6.8
Integrate the scalar f x , y , z = x y z on the surface z = x 2 + y 2 defined over the triangle whose vertices, A , B , C , are respectively 1 , 2 , 5 , 1 , and 3 , 3 .
Mathematical Solution
Figure 9.6.8(a) is a sketch of the triangle determined by the given vertices, labeled A , B , C . The equations of the edges are designated Y AB , Y BC , Y CA , with color-coding matching the colors (black, red, green) used for the edges themselves.
Since 1 + z x 2 + z y 2 = 1 + 4 x 2 + 4 y 2 , the integrand of the surface integral is
F = x y x 2 + y 2 1 + 4 x 2 + 4 y 2
so the surface integral itself is given by the sum
∫ 1 3 ∫ Y AB Y CA F dy dx + ∫ 3 5 ∫ Y AB Y BC F dy dx
Figure 9.6.8(a) Triangle and A , B , C
An exact value for this sum of integrals exists, but it is so cumbersome that it just has to be converted to the floating-point equivalent of approximately 2032.78.
Maple Solution - Interactive
Table 9.6.8(a) provides a solution via task template . There is an exact value for the surface integral, but it is complicated enough to be of almost no practical value. The integral in Table 9.6.8(a) is evaluated numerically.
Calculus - Vector≻Integration≻Surface Integration≻Surface Defined over a Triangle
Surface Integral on a Surface Defined over a Triangle
f x , y , z =
z x , y =
x 1 =
x 2 =
x 3 =
y 1 =
y 2 =
y 3 =
Table 9.6.8(a) Solution by task template
Table 9.6.8(b) contains a solution from first principles. The equations of the lines forming the edges of the triangle are obtained by interactively accessing the Line command in the Student Precalculus package.
Tools≻Load Package: Student Precalculus
Loading Student:-Precalculus
Obtain the equations of the edges of the triangle
Context Panel: Student Precalculus≻Lines And Segments≻Line≻Equation
Context Panel: Right-hand Side
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻Y[AB], Y[BC], Y[CA], as appropriate
1 , 2 , 5 , 1 → equation of line y = − 1 4 x + 9 4 → right hand side − 1 4 x + 9 4 → assign to a name Y AB
5 , 1 , 3 , 3 → equation of line y = − x + 6 → right hand side − x + 6 → assign to a name Y BC
3 , 3 , 1 , 2 → equation of line y = 1 2 x + 3 2 → right hand side 1 2 x + 3 2 → assign to a name Y CA
Write the integrand of the surface integral
Context Panel: Assign to a Name≻ F
x y x 2 + y 2 1 + 4 x 2 + 4 y 2 → assign to a name F
Write and evaluate the surface integral
Calculus palette: Iterated double-integral template
Press the Enter key.
Context Panel: Approximate≻10 (digits)
∫ 1 3 ∫ Y AB Y CA F ⅆ y ⅆ x + ∫ 3 5 ∫ Y AB Y BC F ⅆ y ⅆ x
1146089637 417605000 21 + 321284403 181741696 17 ln 4 341 + 17 21 341 + 156333 800000 5 ln 8 41 + 5 21 41 − 55305708887 1122522240 46 − 321284403 181741696 17 ln 21 341 + 17 46 341 + 13148711 560000 73 − 156333 800000 5 ln 18 41 + 5 41 73 + 55305708887 1122522240 2 23 + 321284403 181741696 17 ln 21 341 + 17 2 23 341 + 892067025 10690688 105 − 321284403 181741696 17 ln 38 341 + 17 105 341 − 1135077 1024 2 ln 73 + 1135077 1024 2 ln 8 73 2 + 2 73 105 − 1135077 1024 2 ln 2
→ at 10 digits
Table 9.6.8(b) Solution from first principles
Maple Solution - Coded
Table 9.6.8(c) provides a solution based on the SurfaceInt command in the Student VectorCalculus package.
Install the Student VectorCalculus package.
with Student :- VectorCalculus :
Implement the SurfaceInt command with the Triangle option
SurfaceInt x y z , x , y , z = Surface x , y , x 2 + y 2 , x , y = Triangle 1 , 2 , 5 , 1 , 3 , 3 , output = integral
− ∫ 1 3 ∫ 3 2 + 1 2 x 9 4 − 1 4 x x y x 2 + y 2 4 x 2 + 4 y 2 + 1 ⅆ y ⅆ x − ∫ 3 5 ∫ 6 − x 9 4 − 1 4 x x y x 2 + y 2 4 x 2 + 4 y 2 + 1 ⅆ y ⅆ x
q ≔ SurfaceInt x y z , x , y , z = Surface x , y , x 2 + y 2 , x , y = Triangle 1 , 2 , 5 , 1 , 3 , 3
1146089637 417605000 21 + 156333 800000 5 ln 8 41 + 5 21 41 + 321284403 181741696 17 ln 4 341 + 17 21 341 + 13148711 560000 73 − 156333 800000 5 ln 18 41 + 5 41 73 − 55305708887 1122522240 46 − 321284403 181741696 17 ln 21 341 + 17 46 341 + 55305708887 1122522240 2 23 + 321284403 181741696 17 ln 21 341 + 17 2 23 341 + 892067025 10690688 105 − 1135077 1024 2 ln 73 − 1135077 1024 2 ln 2 + 1135077 1024 2 ln 8 73 2 + 2 73 105 − 321284403 181741696 17 ln 38 341 + 17 105 341
Convert the exact answer to floating-point form with the evalf command.
evalf q = 2032.782670
Table 9.6.8(c) Solution via the SurfaceInt command
Table 9.6.8(d) provides a solution from first principles. The most tedious part of the solution is determining the equations of the three edges of the triangle. For this, the Line command in the Student Precalculus package is used.
Define F , the integrand of the surface integral
F ≔ x y x 2 + y 2 1 + 4 x 2 + 4 y 2 :
Install the Student MultivariateCalculus package.
Loading Student:-MultivariateCalculus
Install the Student Precalculus package.
with Student :- Precalculus :
Obtain the equations of the edges of the triangle
Define the points A , B , C .
A , B , C ≔ 1 , 2 , 5 , 1 , 3 , 3 :
Use the Line command from the Student Precalculus package to obtain equations of the form y = …
Apply the rhs command to obtain the right-hand sides of the resulting equations.
Y AB ≔ rhs Line A , B 1
− 1 4 x + 9 4
Y BC ≔ rhs Line B , C 1
− x + 6
Y CA ≔ rhs Line C , A 1
1 2 x + 3 2
Write and evaluate the surface integral
MultiInt F , y = Y AB .. Y CA , x = 1 .. 3 , output = integral + MultiInt F , y = Y AB .. Y BC , x = 3 .. 5 , output = integral
∫ 1 3 ∫ − 1 4 x + 9 4 1 2 x + 3 2 x y x 2 + y 2 4 x 2 + 4 y 2 + 1 ⅆ y ⅆ x + ∫ 3 5 ∫ − 1 4 x + 9 4 − x + 6 x y x 2 + y 2 4 x 2 + 4 y 2 + 1 ⅆ y ⅆ x
MultiInt F , y = Y AB .. Y CA , x = 1 .. 3 + MultiInt F , y = Y AB .. Y BC , x = 3 .. 5
1146089637 417605000 21 + 156333 800000 5 ln 8 41 + 5 21 41 + 321284403 181741696 17 ln 4 341 + 17 21 341 + 13148711 560000 73 − 156333 800000 5 ln 18 41 + 5 41 73 − 55305708887 1122522240 46 − 321284403 181741696 17 ln 21 341 + 17 46 341 + 55305708887 1122522240 2 23 + 321284403 181741696 17 ln 21 341 + 17 2 23 341 + 892067025 10690688 105 − 1135077 1024 2 ln 73 − 1135077 1024 2 ln 2 + 1135077 1024 2 ln 8 2 73 + 2 105 73 − 321284403 181741696 17 ln 38 341 + 17 105 341
MultiInt F , y = Y AB .. Y CA , x = 1 .. 3.0 + MultiInt F , y = Y AB .. Y BC , x = 3 .. 5.0
Table 9.6.8(d) Solution from first principles
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