Calling Sequence
PhasePlot(sys, opts)
System; system object to plot
(optional) equation(s) of the form option = value; specify options for the PhasePlot command
In addition to the following options, the PhasePlot command takes many of the standard plot options; see plot,options.
Specifies whether the frequencies are determined adaptively. The adaptive algorithm takes the value of the linearfreq option into account when determining the frequency distribution. The default value is false.
form = exact, straight, or both
Specifies the form of the plot (does not affect the data). The default, exact, plots the exact transfer function. The value straight plots a straight-line approximation, typical of what is constructed by hand. The value both plots both exact and straight forms.
frequencies = list or Vector of nonnegative values
Specifies frequencies to be used to generate a frequency response. The list or Vector must be sorted, from smallest to largest. The units are determined by the hertz option.
Specifies the unit of frequency. If this value is set to true, the unit of frequency is Hertz; otherwise, it is radians per second. The default value is assigned by DynamicSystems[SystemOptions].
legend = list or element
Specifies the legend for the plot. A list specifies a legend entry for each subsystem. The elements in the list correspond to the Matrix of subsystems taken in Fortran order. An element can be used for a one-by-one Matrix of subsystems. The default is no legend.
Specifies the frequency scale. If this value is set to , the scale is linear; otherwise, by default, the scale is logarithmic.
numpoints = nonnegative integer
Specifies the number of points. The default is 100.
output = plot, data, or list of same
Specifies the output of PhasePlot. The name plot returns the plot structure. The name data returns the data. A list of those names returns a corresponding list of plots and data. The default is plot.
The data is returned as a Matrix for a single selected subsystem and as a list of Matrices for multiple selected subsystems. Each Matrix has two columns: the first is the horizontal component and the second is the vertical component.
parameters = set(name = complexcons) or list(name = complexcons)
Specifies numeric values for parameters in sys. These values override those specified by the parameters field of the system object, which in turn override the settings in in SystemOptions(parameters). The numeric value on the right-hand side of each equation is substituted for the name on the left-hand side in the expressions that define the model. No checking is done during the substitution to determine whether the substituted value is valid. For example, a complex value can be substituted for the coefficient of a polynomial. If the complex value had been originally assigned to the model at creation, a warning would be generated.
Specifies whether the phase is in radians or degrees. If , the phase is in radians, otherwise it is in degrees. The default value is assigned by DynamicSystems[SystemOptions].
range = range( realcons )
Specifies the frequency range to plot. The default setting is to compute an appropriate range based on the locations of the zeros and poles of the transfer functions of the selected subsystems. Similarly, if the right-hand side of range is infinity, a maximum is computed based on the zeros and poles. The units are specified by the hertz option.
subsystem = [ posint, posint ] or list of same
Selects subsystems of a multi-input/multi-output system. Each selected subsystem is specified as a list of two indices: the first specifies the output and the second specifies the input. For example, specifies the subsystem from the second input to the first output. A list of lists selects multiple subsystems. The default setting is to select all subsystems, using Fortran ordering. That is, for an m x n system, the default list of subsystems is [ [1,1], ..., [m,1], ..., [1,n], ..., [m,n] ].
The PhasePlot command plots the phase versus frequency of the transfer function of a subsystem of sys, a System object.
If sys is a continuous system, its s-domain transfer function is computed and then converted to the real frequency domain using the transformation s -> I*omega, where omega is the angular frequency.
If sys is a discrete system, its z-domain transfer function is computed and then converted to the real frequency domain using the transformation z -> exp(I*omega*Ts), where omega is the angular frequency and Ts is the sample time.
Plot selected subsystems. Note how the thickness and color options cycle independently. This is the command to create the plot from the Plotting Guide.
The DynamicSystems[PhasePlot] command was updated in Maple 2022.
The form option was introduced in Maple 2022.