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Overview of Interactive in NumericalAnalysis


See Student:-NumericalAnalysis for a general introduction to the NumericalAnalysis subpackage of the Student package.


The interactive commands in the Student:-NumericalAnalysis subpackage produce one or more Maplet applications, which allow you to work interactively through a particular type of numerical analysis problem.


The interactive commands focus on specific fields of numerical analysis such as initial value problems and numerical linear algebra.


The interactive commands that deal with initial value problems are:





There are also visualization commands in the Student:-NumericalAnalysis subpackage that focus on initial value problems.  See Visualization Overview for more details.


The interactive commands that deal with numerical linear algebra are:





There are also visualization and computation commands in the Student:-NumericalAnalysis subpackage that focus on numerical linear algebra.  See Visualization Overview and Computation Overview  for more details.

See Also





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