Tables can also be marked as editable or noneditable. After a table has been marked noneditable, any content within the table cannot be modified. It is not possible to add new rows or columns or to add new content such as embedded components to the table cells or to run computations within the table. Existing interactive embedded components inside of the table will continue to work.
To prevent changes to a table, mark the table as noneditable:
Using the Context Panel, in the Table Properties, clear the Editable check box. You can also access this from the Table menu, under Properties.
To enable editing of the table:
Check the Editable check box.
This property can also be controlled programmatically. For more information on table properties, see Table Properties using DocumentTools.
Note: The editable property for tables is independent of the document editability, although, if a document is marked as noneditable, tables within it cannot be edited.