Borderless Arrows
Computational Geometry
Plot Builder
Rotatable Text
Statistics - ParetoChart
A frequently requested item, plottools:-arrow and plots:-arrow both have a new option, border, that controls the display of the border around the arrow.
The following example shows the addition of two vectors, A and B.
plots:-displayplottools:-arrow0,0,2,2,.05,.2,.1, border=false, color=DarkGrey, legend=A+B, plottools:-arrow0,0,1,2,.15,.3,.15, border=false, color=Crimson, legend=A, plottools:-arrow1,2,2,2,.15,.3,.15, border=false, color=CornflowerBlue, legend=B , size=600,400;
Several commands in the ComputationalGeometry package can generate dynamic visualizations including the following Voronoi Diagram:
Additional plot settings can be controlled using commands such as plots:-setcolors.
ComputationalGeometry:-VoronoiDiagramLinearAlgebra:-RandomMatrix40,2 , showpoints, symbol=solidcircle, symbolsize=7,colorregions=ColorTools:-GetPaletteDalton;
The PlotBuilder provides an easy mechanism to build a wide variety of plots. In Maple 2018, you can now generate plots for inequalities.
Rotatable tickmarks
Tickmarks in plots have a new suboption, rotation, which makes it possible to rotate the angle of the tickmarks.
Several plots have been updated to use this by default, including plots from the TimeSeriesAnalysis package:
ts2≔Time seriesdata set60 rows of data:2005-09-01 - 2010-08-01
Rotatable textplot
The plots:-textplot command has also been updated to accept the rotation option.
The ParetoChart command generates a plot of a tagged histogram of decreasing values and a curve indicating the percentage cumulative sum of the values.
DF≔DataFrame220,288,136,180|11.94,18.1,7.68,9.61|543421,58500118,4594539,undefined|Russia,China,USA,Mexico|Rubus,Vitis,Fragaria,Rubus|Crimson,Purple,Red,Indigo,columns=Energy,Carbohydrates,`Total Tons`,`Top Producer`,Genus,Color,rows=Raspberry,Grape,Strawberry,Blackberry
DF≔EnergyCarbohydratesTotal TonsTop ProducerGenusColorRaspberry22011.94543421RussiaRubusCrimsonGrape28818.158500118ChinaVitisPurpleStrawberry1367.684594539USAFragariaRedBlackberry1809.61undefinedMexicoRubusIndigo
Statistics:-ParetoChart DFEnergy, columngraphoptions=color=sortDF,Energy,`>`Color, labels=,Energy;
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