A simple 1D case. Excise will remove the sparsest half of the data, leaving the densest half, which it returns as a 1D Array. In this case, this will the center four points.
If a negative fraction is used as the first argument, then the returned data will be the sparsest points, in this case the outer four points.
If the return_same option is used, then Excise will return the remaining data as the same type as was entered.
| (4) |
| (5) |
Excise can be used to trim points from data and then pass the remainders to a plotting function. If the to_plot option is used, then the original range of the data will be preserved so it can be compared with the original data. This is accomplished by returning a line of the form view= [range(s)] to be used as an option by the plotting function.
Plot original data
Plot of the densest half of the data