Consider a PDE problem with two independent variables and one dependent variable, u(x, t), and consider the list of infinitesimals of a symmetry group
| (1) |
In the input above you can also enter the symmetry without infinitesimals' labels, as in . The corresponding infinitesimal generator is
| (2) |
The invariants for this symmetry are
where in the input above you can also pass G instead of S. To verify that these are differential invariants of order zero, construct first the InfinitesimalGenerator, then apply it to an arbitrary function of the objects returned by CharacteristicQInvariants,
| (4) |
It is possible to request the output to be in function notation instead of jetvariables jet notation, or in any other existing jet notation, for those purposes use the optional argument jetnotation = ...
Alternatively, you can also switch the notation back and forth using FromJet and ToJet.