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LieAlgebras[ApplyHomomorphism] - apply a Lie algebra homomorphism to a vector, form or tensor

Calling Sequences

     ApplyHomomorphism(, T, keyword)


            - a linear transformation from a Lie algebra  to another Lie algebra

     T        - a vector, a form, or a tensor defined on either the domain Lie algebra  or the range Lie algebra

     keyword  - (optional) string keyword, either "domain" or "range"






ApplyHomomorphism(, T) will apply the transformation Phi to the vector, form or tensor T and return an object of the same type. The precise evaluation rules for ApplyHomomorphism depend upon the specific properties of T and whether or not Phi is invertible. The details are as follows.


Applied to tensors, the command ApplyHomomorphism acts as a ring homomorphism, that is, ApplyHomomorphism(, TS) = ApplyHomomorphism(, T)ApplyHomomorphism(, S).


CASE 1. T is a vector in the domain algebra of . In this case ApplyHomomorphism(Phi, T) simply applies the linear transformation  to the vector T and the result is a vector in the range algebra of the transformation .


CASE 2. T is a -form on the range algebra  of transformation .In this case ApplyHomomorphism(, T) simply applies the pullback of the linear transformation  to the -form T and the result is a -form in the domain  of .


CASE 3. T is a tensor on  and  is an invertible linear transformation. Then ApplyHomomorphism(, T) is the tensor on the range algebra  obtained by the pushforward by of the contravariant components of T and the pullback of the covariant components of T by the inverse of .


CASE 4. T is a tensor on  and  is an invertible linear transformation. Then ApplyHomomorphism(, T) is the tensor on the domain algebra obtained by the pushforward of the contravariant components of T by the inverse of  and the pullback of the covariant components of T by .


CASE 5. T is a tensor on and  is not invertible. Then T must be a contravariant tensor (that is, a tensor products of vectors) in which case ApplyHomomorphism(, T) is the contravariant tensor defined on the range algebra  and obtained by the pushforward of Phi acting on vectors in .


When , Case 4 takes precedence over Case 5. Alternatively ApplyHomomorphism can be forced to use Case 4 or Case 5 with the third optional argument "domain" or "range".


CASE 6. T is a tensor on  and  is not invertible.  Then T must be a covariant tensor (that is, a tensor product of 1-forms) in which case ApplyHomomorphism(, T) is the covariant tensor defined on the domain algebra g and obtained by the pullback of  acting on 1-forms in .


The command ApplyHomomorphism is part of the DifferentialGeometry:-LieAlgebras package.  It can be used in the form ApplyHomomorphism(...) only after executing the commands with(DifferentialGeometry) and with(LieAlgebras), but can always be used by executing DifferentialGeometry:-LieAlgebras:-ApplyHomomorphism(...).



Example 1.

First initialize two copies of a Lie algebra, called Alg1 and Alg2, and display the Lie bracket multiplication tables.

Alg1 > 

Alg1 > 

Alg2 > 



We use AdjointExp to construct a linear transformation (in fact, an isomorphism) from Alg1 to Alg2.

Alg2 > 

Alg1 > 



We calculate the effects of the command ApplyHomomorphism in each of the following cases.

CASE 1: vectors in the domain algebra Alg1.

CASE 2: 1-forms on the range algebra Alg2.

CASE 3: rank 1 covariant tensors on the domain algebra Alg1.

CASE 4: rank 1 contravariant vectors on the range algebra Alg2.

In each case we show the matrix which defines the transformation.


CASE 1: vectors in the domain algebra Alg1.

Alg2 > 

Alg2 > 


CASE 2: 1-forms on the range algebra Alg2.

Alg2 > 

Alg2 > 

Alg2 > 


CASE 3. rank 1 covariant tensors on the domain algebra Alg1.

Alg1 > 

Alg1 > 

Alg1 > 


CASE 4. rank 1 contravariant vectors on the range algebra Alg2.

Alg2 > 

Alg2 > 

Alg2 > 


We show, by way of a simple example, the extensions of the mappings in CASE 1 and CASE 3 form a mixed tensor on the range Alg2.

Alg1 > 

Alg1 > 



We show, by way of a simple example, the extensions of the mappings in CASE 2 and CASE 4 form a mixed tensor on the domain Alg1.

Alg2 > 

Alg2 > 


See Also










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