Animation Toolbar - Maple Help
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Toolbar for Animations

The following are descriptions of the toolbar boxes and icons for animations.


Animation Toolbar

Animation Toolbar Options

See Also

Animation Toolbar

This toolbar is only available when you have selected an animated plot.

Animation Toolbar Options

View the previous frame in the animation.

Stop the animation.

Play the selected animation.

View the next frame in the animation.

The current frame in the animation.

Set the animation to play forward.

Set the animation to oscillate, that is to play forward and backwards.

Set the animation to play backwards.

Set the animation to run for one cycle.

Set the animation to run continuously.

Increase/decrease the frames per second of the animation.

The point probe tool allows you to select a curve. If you select a coordinate type from the selection tool menu ( ), you can also use the point probe tool to display coordinates.

In an embedded plot window, use this probe to execute the specified click and drag code, if any.

Pan the plot by changing the view ranges.

Zoom into the plot. Also, scale the plot by placing the pointer over the plot and then rotating the wheel button.

Zoom out of the plot. Also, scale the plot by placing the pointer over the plot and then rotating the wheel button.

Reset the view to the default view of the 2-D plot.


If the animation is a 2-D Plot and you have the point probe tool ( ) selected, the following toolbar options are also available.

Displays plot manipulator mouse pointer.

Displays coordinates that correspond to the position of the mouse pointer.

Displays coordinates that correspond to the point on the curve that is nearest to the mouse pointer and explicitly defined in the computed plot.

Displays interpolated coordinates that correspond to the point on the curve that is nearest to the mouse pointer.


If the animation is a 3-D Plot, the following toolbar option is also available.

Rotate the plot to see it from a different point of view.

See Also

animate, Change Axes Style, Change Curve Style, Change Projection, Toolbar for 2-D Plots, Toolbar for 3-D Plots, Toolbar for Drawing, Worksheet Toolbar

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