DTD - Maple Help
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Maple Worksheet DTD

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- ################################################################# -->

<!-- #                                                               # -->

<!-- #                       Maple Worksheet DTD                     # -->

<!-- #                                                               # -->

<!-- ################################################################# -->

<!-- Maple Worksheet DTD

     This is an XML application for describing the structure of a Maple

     Worksheet. This entity may be identified by the SYSTEM identifier:

     SYSTEM "worksheet.dtd"


<!-- ================================================================= -->

<!--     XML Namespace Framework                                       -->

<!-- ================================================================= -->

<!-- Qualified Names

       This section declares parameter entities to support namespace-

       qualified names, namespace declarations, and name prefixing for MWS.


<!ENTITY % NS.prefixed     "IGNORE" >

<!ENTITY % MWS.prefixed "%NS.prefixed;" >

<!-- XLink .............................................. -->

<!ENTITY % XLINK.xmlns "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" >

<!ENTITY % XLINK.xmlns.attrib

     "xmlns:xlink  CDATA           #FIXED '%XLINK.xmlns;'"


<!-- MWS ................................................ -->

<!ENTITY % MWS.xmlns    "http://www.maplesoft.com/MWS" >

<!ENTITY % MWS.prefix   "mws" >


<!ENTITY % MWS.xmlns.extra.attrib  "" >


<!ENTITY % MWS.xmlns.extra.attrib

     "%XLINK.xmlns.attrib;" >


<!ENTITY % MWS.pfx  "%MWS.prefix;:" >

<!ENTITY % MWS.xmlns.attrib

     "xmlns:%MWS.prefix;  CDATA   #FIXED '%MWS.xmlns;'




<!ENTITY % MWS.pfx  "" >

<!ENTITY % MWS.xmlns.attrib

     "xmlns        CDATA           #FIXED '%MWS.xmlns;'




<!ENTITY % XHTML.xmlns.extra.attrib

     "%MWS.xmlns.attrib;" >


<!ENTITY % XHTML.xmlns.extra.attrib



<!-- ================================================================= -->

<!--     MWS Qualified Names                                           -->

<!-- ================================================================= -->

<!-- This section declares parameter entities used to provide

     namespace-qualified names for all MWS element types.


<!ENTITY % cell.qname                 "%MWS.pfx;cell" >

<!ENTITY % cell-options.qname         "%MWS.pfx;cell-options" >

<!ENTITY % column-widths.qname        "%MWS.pfx;column-widths" >

<!ENTITY % cstyle.qname               "%MWS.pfx;cstyle" >

<!ENTITY % defalut.qname              "%MWS.pfx;defalut" >

<!ENTITY % exchange.qname             "%MWS.pfx;exchange" >

<!ENTITY % glplot2d.qname             "%MWS.pfx;glplot2d" >

<!ENTITY % glplot3d.qname             "%MWS.pfx;glplot3d" >

<!ENTITY % hyperlink.qname            "%MWS.pfx;hyperlink" >

<!ENTITY % legend.qname               "%MWS.pfx;legend" >

<!ENTITY % legends.qname              "%MWS.pfx;legends" >

<!ENTITY % mapletext.qname            "%MWS.pfx;mapletext" >

<!ENTITY % mark.qname                 "%MWS.pfx;mark" >

<!ENTITY % pagebreak.qname            "%MWS.pfx;pagebreak" >

<!ENTITY % pagenumbers.qname          "%MWS.pfx;pagenumbers" >

<!ENTITY % para.qname                 "%MWS.pfx;para" >

<!ENTITY % plotdata.qname             "%MWS.pfx;plotdata" >

<!ENTITY % pstyle.qname               "%MWS.pfx;pstyle" >

<!ENTITY % row-heights.qname          "%MWS.pfx;row-heights" >

<!ENTITY % rtable.qname               "%MWS.pfx;rtable" >

<!ENTITY % rtable-handles.qname       "%MWS.pfx;rtable-handles" >

<!ENTITY % r5mathobj.qname            "%MWS.pfx;r5mathobj" >

<!ENTITY % section.qname              "%MWS.pfx;section" >

<!ENTITY % spreadsheet.qname          "%MWS.pfx;spreadsheet" >

<!ENTITY % spreadsheet-options.qname  "%MWS.pfx;spreadsheet-options" >

<!ENTITY % style-table.qname          "%MWS.pfx;style-table" >

<!ENTITY % text.qname                 "%MWS.pfx;text" >

<!ENTITY % urllink.qname              "%MWS.pfx;urllink" >

<!ENTITY % version.qname              "%MWS.pfx;version" >

<!ENTITY % viewopts.qname             "%MWS.pfx;viewopts" >

<!ENTITY % worksheet.qname            "%MWS.pfx;worksheet" >

<!ENTITY % xppedit.qname              "%MWS.pfx;xppedit" >

<!ENTITY % xppmath.qname              "%MWS.pfx;xppmath" >

<!-- ================================================================= -->

<!--     Shared Attributes                                             -->

<!-- ================================================================= -->

<!-- This section declares attributes used by more than one element.


<!-- Enumerated attribute types ......................... -->

<!ENTITY % boolean

      "( false | true )" >

<!ENTITY % extended_boolean

      "( inherited | false | true )" >

<!-- Attributes ......................................... -->

<!ENTITY % att-ascent

      "ascent             CDATA                        '-1'" >

<!ENTITY % att-bookmark

      "bookmark           CDATA                        #IMPLIED" >

<!ENTITY % att-cstyle

      "cstyle             CDATA                        #IMPLIED" >

<!ENTITY % att-height

      "height             CDATA                        '-1'" >

<!ENTITY % att-link-type

      "type               ( url | worksheet | inert |

                            help | popup )             'inert'"


<!ENTITY % att-link-document

      "document           CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!ENTITY % att-maple-input

      "maple-input        %extended_boolean;           'inherited'" >

<!ENTITY % att-name

      "name               CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!ENTITY % att-parent

      "parent             CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!ENTITY % att-pstyle

      "pstyle             CDATA                        #IMPLIED" >

<!ENTITY % att-self

      "self               CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!ENTITY % att-width

      "width              CDATA                        '-1'" >

<!ENTITY % att-red

      "red                CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!ENTITY % att-green

      "green              CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!ENTITY % att-blue

      "blue               CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!-- ================================================================= -->

<!--     Entities                                                      -->

<!-- ================================================================= -->

<!-- This section declares various frequently used entities.


<!-- Content ............................................ -->

<!ENTITY % gut

      "%text.qname; | %mapletext.qname; | %xppmath.qname; |

       %xppedit.qname; | %plotdata.qname; | %glplot2d.qname; |

       %glplot3d.qname; | %hyperlink.qname; | %exchange.qname; |

       %para.qname; | %pagebreak.qname; | %section.qname; |

       %spreadsheet.qname;" >

<!-- General schemata ................................... -->

<!ENTITY % style-id

      "%att-name; %att-parent; %att-self;" >

<!-- ================================================================= -->

<!--     Element-Specific Attributes                                   -->

<!-- ================================================================= -->

<!-- This section declares element-specific attributes.


<!-- Element-specific attributes: cell .................. -->

<!ENTITY % att-cell-row

      "row                  CDATA                     #REQUIRED" >

<!ENTITY % att-cell-col

      "col                  CDATA                     #REQUIRED" >

<!ENTITY % att-cell-stale

      "stale                %boolean;                 #REQUIRED" >

<!-- Element-specific attributes: cell-options .......... -->

<!ENTITY % att-cell-options-alignment

      "alignment          ( none | left | centre |

                            right | conflict |

0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |

4 )                     'centre'" >

<!ENTITY % att-cell-options-calculate-precision

      "calculate-precision  CDATA                     '0'" >

<!ENTITY % att-cell-options-display-precision

      "display-precision    CDATA                     '0'" >

<!ENTITY % att-cell-options-bgcolourvalid

      "bgcolourvalid        CDATA                     '0'" >

<!ENTITY % att-cell-options-evaltype

      "evaltype             CDATA                     '0'" >

<!-- Element-specific attributes: cstyle ................ -->

<!ENTITY % att-cstyle-typeface

      "typeface           CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!ENTITY % att-cstyle-pointsize-control

      "pointsize-control  ( set | inherited |

                            stepdown )                 #REQUIRED"


<!ENTITY % att-cstyle-pointsize

      "pointsize          CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!ENTITY % att-cstyle-colour-valid

      "colour-valid       %boolean;                    'false'" >

<!ENTITY % att-cstyle-italic

      "italic             %extended_boolean;           'inherited'" >

<!ENTITY % att-cstyle-bold

      "bold               %extended_boolean;           'inherited'" >

<!ENTITY % att-cstyle-underline

      "underline          %extended_boolean;           'inherited'" >

<!ENTITY % att-cstyle-hidden

      "hidden             %extended_boolean;           'inherited'" >

<!ENTITY % att-cstyle-readonly

      "readonly           %extended_boolean;           'inherited'" >

<!ENTITY % att-cstyle-linebreak

      "linebreak          CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!ENTITY % att-cstyle-charset

      "charset            ( mac | inherited | symbol |

                            shiftJIS | unknown | ansi |

ibmpc )                    'inherited'"


<!ENTITY % att-cstyle-pitch

      "pitch              ( inherited | dontcare |

                            variable | fixed )         'inherited'"


<!ENTITY % att-cstyle-zoom

      "zoom               %extended_boolean;           'inherited'" >

<!-- Element-specific attributes: mark .................. -->

<!ENTITY % att-mark-markdata

      "markdata           CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!ENTITY % att-mark-linedata

      "linedata           CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!-- Element-specific attributes: pagenumbers ........... -->

<!ENTITY % att-pagenumbers-enabled

      "enabled            %boolean;                    'false'" >

<!ENTITY % att-pagenumbers-start

      "start              CDATA                        '1'" >

<!ENTITY % att-pagenumbers-numberfirst

      "numberfirst        %boolean;                    'true'" >

<!-- Element-specific attributes: para .................. -->

<!ENTITY % att-para-prompt

      "prompt             CDATA                        ''" >

<!ENTITY % att-para-maple-output

      "maple-output       %boolean;                    'false'" >

<!-- Element-specific attributes: plotdata .............. -->

<!ENTITY % att-plotdata-mode

      "mode               ( 2 | 3 )                    '2'" >

<!ENTITY % att-plotdata-style


         ( patchnogrid | flatcontour | hidden |

default | patch | point | line | contour |

patchcontour )                              'default'"


<!ENTITY % att-plotdata-symbol


         ( box | default | point | cross | diamond |

circle )                                    'default'"


<!ENTITY % att-plotdata-dashpattern


         ( dot | solid | dash | dashdot )              'solid'"


<!ENTITY % att-plotdata-symbol-size

      "symbol-size        CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!ENTITY % att-plotdata-thickness

      "thickness          CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!ENTITY % att-plotdata-grid-style


         ( triangular | rectangular | default )        'default'"


<!ENTITY % att-plotdata-colour-style


         ( xyz | xy | z | rgb | hue | hsv | default |

none | z-hue | z-grey )                     'default'"


<!ENTITY % att-plotdata-light-model


         ( default | none | user | light1 | light2 |

light3 | light4 )                           'default'"


<!ENTITY % att-plotdata-axes-style


         ( box | default | none | frame | normal )     'default'"


<!ENTITY % att-plotdata-constrained

      "constrained        %extended_boolean;           'inherited'" >

<!ENTITY % att-plotdata-r

      "r                  CDATA                        '0'" >

<!ENTITY % att-plotdata-phi

      "phi                CDATA                        '0'" >

<!ENTITY % att-plotdata-theta

      "theta              CDATA                        '0'" >

<!ENTITY % att-plotdata-projection-style


         ( orthogonal | perspective | default )        'default'"


<!ENTITY % att-plotdata-display-legend

      "display-legend     %boolean;                    'false'" >

<!ENTITY % att-plotdata-legend

      "legend             CDATA                        #IMPLIED" >

<!-- Element-specific attributes: pstyle ................ -->

<!ENTITY % att-pstyle-embedded-cstyle

      "embedded-cstyle    %boolean;                    'true'" >

<!ENTITY % att-pstyle-justify

      "justify            ( inherited | right |

                            justify | left | centred ) 'inherited'"


<!ENTITY % att-pstyle-ilspacing

      "ilspacing          ( inherited | single |

                            double | one-and-a-half )  'inherited'"


<!ENTITY % att-pstyle-ilspace

      "ilspace            CDATA                        '-1'" >

<!ENTITY % att-pstyle-firstindent

      "firstindent        CDATA                        '-1'" >

<!ENTITY % att-pstyle-pre-leading

      "pre-leading        CDATA                        '-1'" >

<!ENTITY % att-pstyle-post-leading

      "post-leading       CDATA                        '-1'" >

<!ENTITY % att-pstyle-left-margin-control


         ( inherited | absolute | relative | none )    'inherited'"


<!ENTITY % att-pstyle-left-margin-amount

      "left-margin-amount CDATA                        '-1'" >

<!ENTITY % att-pstyle-right-margin-control


         ( inherited | absolute | relative | none )    'inherited'"


<!ENTITY % att-pstyle-right-margin-amount

      "right-margin-amount CDATA                       '-1'" >

<!ENTITY % att-pstyle-pagebreak

      "pagebreak          %extended_boolean;           'inherited'" >

<!ENTITY % att-pstyle-keepnext

      "keepnext           %extended_boolean;           'inherited'" >

<!ENTITY % att-pstyle-next-pstyle

      "next-pstyle        CDATA                        '-1'" >

<!ENTITY % att-pstyle-liststyle

      "liststyle          ( inherited | nobullet |

                            none | bullet | dashed |

                            number )                   'inherited'"


<!-- Element-specific attributes: r5mathobj ............. -->

<!ENTITY % att-r5mathobj-input

      "input              CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!-- Element-specific attributes: section ............... -->

<!ENTITY % att-section-hidden

      "hidden             %boolean;                    'false'" >

<!-- Element-specific attributes: spreadsheet-options ... -->

<!ENTITY % att-spreadsheet-show-border

      "show-border        %boolean;                    'false'" >

<!-- Element-specific attributes: version ............... -->

<!ENTITY % att-version-major

      "major              CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!ENTITY % att-version-minor

      "minor              CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!ENTITY % att-version-platform

      "platform           CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!-- Element-specific attributes: viewopts .............. -->

<!ENTITY % att-show-sections

      "show-sections      %boolean;                    'true'" >

<!ENTITY % att-show-paralists

      "show-paralists     %boolean;                    'true'" >

<!ENTITY % att-show-invisibles

      "show-invisibles    %boolean;                    'false'" >

<!ENTITY % att-zoom-numer

      "zoom-numer         CDATA                        '1'" >

<!ENTITY % att-zoom-denom

      "zoom-denom         CDATA                        '1'" >

<!ENTITY % att-zoom-cmd

      "zoom-cmd    ( zoom100 | zoom50 | zoom75 |

                     zoom150 | zoom200 | zoom300 |

zoom400 )                         'zoom100'"


<!ENTITY % att-show-spreadsheets

      "show-spreadsheets  %boolean;                    'true'" >

<!ENTITY % att-show-input

      "show-input         %boolean;                    'true'" >

<!ENTITY % att-show-output

      "show-output        %boolean;                    'true'" >

<!ENTITY % att-show-graphics

      "show-graphics      %boolean;                    'true'" >

<!-- Element-specific attributes: xppedit ............... -->

<!ENTITY % att-xppedit-isinput

      "isinput            %boolean;                    'false'" >

<!ENTITY % att-xppedit-maple

      "maple              CDATA                        #REQUIRED" >

<!-- ================================================================= -->

<!--     Worksheet elements                                            -->

<!-- ================================================================= -->

<!-- Worksheet elements: cell ......................... -->

<!ELEMENT %cell.qname; ( %cell-options.qname;, %r5mathobj.qname; ) >

<!ATTLIST %cell.qname;





<!-- Worksheet elements: cell-options ................. -->

<!ELEMENT %cell-options.qname; EMPTY >

<!ATTLIST %cell-options.qname;










<!-- Worksheet elements: column-widths ................ -->

<!ELEMENT %column-widths.qname; ( #PCDATA ) >

<!-- Worksheet elements: cstyle ....................... -->

<!ELEMENT %cstyle.qname; EMPTY >

<!ATTLIST %cstyle.qname;




















<!-- Worksheet elements: exchange ....................... -->

<!ELEMENT %exchange.qname; ( %gut; )* >

<!-- Worksheet elements: glplot2d ....................... -->

<!ELEMENT %glplot2d.qname; ( %plotdata.qname; ) >

<!ATTLIST %glplot2d.qname;





<!-- Worksheet elements: glplot3d ....................... -->

<!ELEMENT %glplot3d.qname; ( %plotdata.qname; ) >

<!ATTLIST %glplot3d.qname;





<!-- Worksheet elements: hyperlink ...................... -->

<!ELEMENT %hyperlink.qname; ( #PCDATA ) >

<!ATTLIST %hyperlink.qname;






<!-- Worksheet elements: legend ......................... -->

<!ELEMENT %legend.qname; ( #PCDATA ) >

<!-- Worksheet elements: legends ........................ -->

<!ELEMENT %legends.qname; ( %legend.qname; )+ >

<!-- Worksheet elements: mapletext ...................... -->

<!ELEMENT %mapletext.qname; ( #PCDATA ) >

<!ATTLIST %mapletext.qname;




<!-- Worksheet elements: mark ........................... -->

<!ELEMENT %mark.qname; EMPTY >

<!ATTLIST %mark.qname;




<!-- Worksheet elements: pagebreak ...................... -->

<!ELEMENT %pagebreak.qname; EMPTY >

<!-- Worksheet elements: pagenumbers .................... -->

<!ELEMENT %pagenumbers.qname; EMPTY >

<!ATTLIST %pagenumbers.qname;






<!-- Worksheet elements: para ........................... -->

<!ELEMENT %para.qname; ( %gut; )* >

<!ATTLIST %para.qname;






<!-- Worksheet elements: plotdata ....................... -->

<!ELEMENT %plotdata.qname; ( %legends.qname; )? >

<!ATTLIST %plotdata.qname;



















<!-- Worksheet elements: pstyle ......................... -->

<!ELEMENT %pstyle.qname; ( %cstyle.qname; )? >

<!ATTLIST %pstyle.qname;


















<!-- Worksheet elements: r5mathobj ...................... -->

<!ELEMENT %r5mathobj.qname; ANY >

<!ATTLIST %r5mathobj.qname;




<!-- Worksheet elements: row-heights .................... -->

<!ELEMENT %row-heights.qname; ( #PCDATA ) >

<!-- Worksheet elements: rtable ......................... -->

<!ELEMENT %rtable.qname; ( #PCDATA ) >

<!-- Worksheet elements: rtable-handles ................. -->

<!ELEMENT %rtable-handles.qname; ( #PCDATA ) >

<!-- Worksheet elements: section ........................ -->

<!ELEMENT %section.qname; ( %gut; )* >

<!ATTLIST %section.qname;



<!-- Worksheet elements: spreadsheet .................... -->

<!ELEMENT %spreadsheet.qname;

      ( %row-heights.qname;, %column-widths.qname;,

        %spreadsheet-options.qname;, ( %cell.qname; )* ) >

<!ATTLIST %spreadsheet.qname;






<!-- Worksheet elements: spreadsheet-options............. -->

<!ELEMENT %spreadsheet-options.qname; ( %cell-options.qname; ) >

<!ATTLIST %spreadsheet-options.qname;



<!-- Worksheet elements: style-table .................... -->

<!ELEMENT %style-table.qname; ( %cstyle.qname; | %pstyle.qname; )+ >

<!-- Worksheet elements: text ........................... -->

<!ELEMENT %text.qname; ( #PCDATA ) >

<!ATTLIST %text.qname;



<!-- Worksheet elements: version ........................ -->

<!ELEMENT %version.qname; EMPTY >

<!ATTLIST %version.qname;





<!-- Worksheet elements: viewopts ....................... -->

<!ELEMENT %viewopts.qname; EMPTY >

<!ATTLIST %viewopts.qname;












<!-- Worksheet elements: worksheet ...................... -->

<!ELEMENT %worksheet.qname;

     ( %version.qname;,

       ( %style-table.qname; )?,

       ( %section.qname; )*,

       ( %mark.qname; )?,

       ( %viewopts.qname; )?,


       ( ( %rtable-handles.qname; ), ( %rtable.qname; )+ )? )


<!-- Worksheet elements: xppedit ........................ -->

<!ELEMENT %xppedit.qname; ( #PCDATA ) >

<!ATTLIST %xppedit.qname;





<!-- Worksheet elements: xppmath ........................ -->

<!ELEMENT %xppmath.qname; ( #PCDATA ) >

<!ATTLIST %xppmath.qname;

      %att-cstyle; >

<!-- ################################################################# -->

<!-- #                  End of Maple Worksheet DTD                   # -->

<!-- ################################################################# -->

See Also





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