Calling Sequence
ShowIncomplete(expr, fullopt, dataopt)
(optional) algebraic or algebraic equation; select the problem(s) to show
(optional) ; select whether to show all incomplete subproblems or only subproblems that have not been started
(optional) ; select whether to display results using printed output or to return the results as data
The ShowIncomplete command displays the incomplete subproblems of a single problem or of all problems from the current Maple session.
If the dataopt parameter is not given, or is given as data = false, the display is accomplished using calls to print; the value returned by ShowIncomplete is NULL. Thus, the history variables, %, %%, and %%%, are not modified by this command. This is the default.
If the datatopt parameter is given as either data or data=true, this routine returns an expression sequence of lists, giving the problem data for each relevant subproblem.
Each subproblem of a problem, which has been entered into the Calculus1 system using a call to Rule or Hint, is assigned a subproblem label. These labels are of the form "%" + operation name + integer, where operation name is one of Diff, Int, or Limit, corresponding to the calculus operation type of the problem, for example, %Diff2.
As you solve a problem by applying rules using the Rule command, subproblems may be created. For example, the application of the sum rule for differentiation to an expression of the form creates two new subproblems, and .
Once a subproblem has been completed, its value is substituted into the internal representation of the problem and the corresponding subproblem label is cleared.
You can use the fullopt option to determine whether all subproblems are displayed (full = true or full) or only those subproblems that do not have subproblems are displayed (full = false). The default is full = false.
If the parameter expr is omitted, the incomplete subproblems of the current problem are displayed. To designate a problem the current problem, create a new problem (see Rule or Hint) or use the GetProblem command.
If expr is a positive integer, the incomplete subproblems of the corresponding problem are displayed.
If expr is a subproblem label, the incomplete subproblems of the subproblem with the label expr are displayed. The subproblem referenced by expr need not be a subproblem of the current problem.
If expr is the keyword all, the incomplete subproblems of all problems from the current session are displayed. Note: Problems that have been cleared by a call to Clear are not displayed.
If expr is the output from a previous call to Rule or GetProblem (with the internal option), or the left-hand side of such output, the current state of that problem is displayed.
Maple returns an error if you attempt to display a problem that has been cleared by a call to the package routine Clear.
Note: Treat subproblem labels as temporary objects because the application of a rule to a problem can change the underlying problem representation, and hence the subproblem labels. It is recommended that you call ShowIncomplete to verify the value of a label before passing it to a command.
This command does not change which problem is designated the current problem.
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