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construct a Sylow tower for a finite group




determine if a group is soluble


Calling Sequence





Calling Sequence

OrderedSylowTower( G, complexion = gamma )

OrderedSylowTower( G )

IsOrderedSylowTowerGroup( G, complexion = gamma )

IsOrderedSylowTowerGroup( G )




a permutation group



list of primes including all the prime divisors of the order of G



An ordered Sylow tower of complexion  for a finite group  is a normal series


such that, for each , the quotient group  is isomorphic to a Sylow -subgroup of , for some prime , and such that , , ...,   are all the distinct prime divisors of the order of , and occur in the same order as they do in the list gamma.


A finite group may, or may not, have an ordered Sylow tower of a specified complexion. If it has an ordered Sylow tower of one complexion, it may not have an ordered Sylow tower for a different complexion.


Every finite nilpotent group has a Sylow tower (of every possible complexion), and a finite group with a Sylow tower (of any complexion) is necessarily soluble.


An ordered Sylow tower group is, of course, a Sylow tower group. (See SylowTower.)


The OrderedSylowTower( G, 'complexion' = gamma ) command computes an ordered Sylow tower of compexion gamma for the group G if one exists. The returned Sylow tower is an object of type NormalSeries.


In addition to the methods available for any Series object, a Sylow tower T also supports the Complexion( T ) method, which returns the complexion of the computed tower, as a list of primes.


The IsOrderedSylowTowerGroup( G, 'complexion' = gamma ) command returns true if G has a Sylow tower of complexion gamma, and returns false if not.


Both OrderedSylowTower and IsOrderedSylowTowerGroup can be called without the complex = gamma option, in which case the default complexion used is the list of all the prime divisors of the order of the group G in descending order. (An ordered Sylow tower of this complexion is sometimes called an ordered Sylow tower of supersoluble type.)



Error, group GroupTheory:-AlternatingGroup(4) has no ordered Sylow tower of complexion [3, 2]











The GroupTheory[OrderedSylowTower] and GroupTheory[IsOrderedSylowTowerGroup] commands were introduced in Maple 2019.


For more information on Maple 2019 changes, see Updates in Maple 2019.

See Also







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