Executing the Cell command produces a function call.
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By using additional commands from the Layout Constructors package a nested function call can be produced which represents an entire worksheet.
The following example produces a Table, T consisting of a single column and a single row. The contents of the row is C, the Cell element created above.
That XML representation of a worksheet can be inserted directly.
The next example illustrates using a color to fill the background of a Cell.
Using a fill color on a Cell is an effective way to show a 3D plot with a black background. The next example uses the InlinePlot element constructor for the content of the Cell.
The content of the Cell can be padded by a specified number of pixels.
Vertical alignment within a Cell is a property of its parent Row, for which the default is top alignment. Note the difference in alignment between the two Cells on the left.
Some text
Some text
Horizontal alignment within a Cell is a property of the content (child element) of the Cell.
A cell may span more than a single Column or Row of a Table.
Parsing of Cells is done Row by Row.