Animation - Maple Help
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Overview of Plot>Animation Menu


Animate standard plots, either 2-D or 3-D, by using the plots[animate] command. Animation is not available for smart plots.


The menu items described below control the display of the animation.


Play starts the animation.


Stop stops the animation while it is running.


Next Frame moves to the next frame of the animation.


Previous Frame moves to the previous frame of the animation.


Forwards plays the animation forward.


Backwards plays the animation backward.


Oscillate plays the animation forward and backward.


Single runs the animation in single cycle mode. In single cycle mode, the animation is displayed only once.


Continuous runs the animation in continuous mode. Continuous mode repeats the animation until it is stopped or the Single cycle mode is selected.


Increase FPS increases the speed (frames per second) of the running animation.


Decrease FPS decreases the speed (frames per second) of the running animation.

See Also

Animation Toolbar

Context menus for plots



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