Creating a Hierarchy for a Model in the Local Components Tab - MapleSim Help
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Creating a Hierarchy for a Model in the Local Components Tab

The Local Components tab ( ) on the left side of the MapleSim window consists of a search field and two palettes.


Components palette — Displays the shared subsystems and custom component definitions that you have created.


Hierarchy palette — Defines the organization of shared subsystems and custom components into groups and subgroups.

To organize components into a hierarchy in a model:


Click Create Hierarchy in the Hierarchy palette.


Enter a name for the root group in the hierarchy.  This root group is the only required group in the hierarchy.


To add a subgroup, right-click (Control-click for Mac) on the root name in the Hierarchy palette and select Add New Subgroup.


Enter a name for the hierarchy subgroup.  Repeat this process to create the tree for your hierarchy.


In the Components palette, right-click (Control-click for Macintosh) a subsystem or custom component definition and select Move to Hierarchy, and the desired location.

You can use the context-sensitive menus to rearrange or rename the groups of the hierarchy, move elements within the hierarchy, or remove elements from the hierarchy.  When a component or subsystem is removed from the hierarchy, it is displayed in the Components palette.

You can also drag and drop elements to organize them in the hierarchy.

Note: Groups within the hierarchy are always listed in alphabetical order.


In a model, the hierarchy is simply an organizational tool while you are building your model.  In custom libraries, the hierarchy controls the layout of the elements in the custom library palette.  It is possible to convert a model into a custom library.  For information on hierarchies in custom libraries, see Updating a Custom Library.  For more information on converting models into custom libraries, see Creating a Custom Library from a Model.

See Also

Creating a Custom Library from a Model

Managing Subsystems and Custom Components 

Updating a Custom Library

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