return a named property from a workbook
Calling Sequence
GetProperty( package, property_name )
string or posint
string or name
The GetProperty command fetches a named property from a workbook's metadata when given a workbook's file name or the keyword, "this://" as the first argument. If the first argument is a cloud identifier for a publicly available package in the Maple Cloud, then the property metadata is fetched from the cloud.
Properties are useful when posting content to the MapleCloud, and when creating packages that can be installed. Some of the properties recognized by the MapleCloud include: all, authors, description, ID, language, screenshots, tags, thumbnail, title, and version. You can only query for all if the first argument is a cloud identifier.
Additional metadata properties that are automatically assigned by the MapleCloud include: "X-CloudGroup", "X-CloudId", "X-CloudURL", "X-CloudVersion", and "X-CloudXId".
When the first argument, package, is a filename, it should be the name of a ".maple" file.
The PackageTools[GetProperty] command was introduced in Maple 2017.
For more information on Maple 2017 changes, see Updates in Maple 2017.
The PackageTools[GetProperty] command was updated in Maple 2018.
The all option was introduced in Maple 2018.
For more information on Maple 2018 changes, see Updates in Maple 2018.
See Also
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