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What's New in Maple 13?

The following is a summary of the major improvements in Maple 13. For an index of the updates, see the Index of New Maple 13 Features.


Powerful Graphics

Enhanced Mathematics

Improvements to Computation and Efficiency

Extended Connectivity

User Interface Improvements

Powerful Graphics


Improved 3-D plots are faster and use less memory. You can use typeset mathematics in the titles, captions, and axis labels for 3-D plots. Drawing on 3-D plots and improved control of tickmark spacing are now available.


New fly-through plots. The new viewpoint option allows you to create an animation by varying the viewpoint as you navigate through a 3-D plot, as if a camera were flying through the plot. You can use one of the standard viewpoint paths or define a path by specifying camera locations.


You can now use units in plots in the function and range arguments. Axis labels will display the unit information.


For more information, see Graphics Improvements.

Enhanced Mathematics


New element-wise operator ~ to distribute an operation over a data structure such as a list, set, Array, or other rtable.


Significant improvements in dsolve and pdsolve for solving nonlinear differential equations using novel techniques.


DEtools contains new and expanded commands for nonlinear equations of differential order two and higher, covering the computation of parametric and particular solutions, also for initial value problems, all of them based on the ODE symmetries.


Most of the symmetry commands of PDEtools were expanded and five were added, including one for the fast computation of polynomial solutions to linear and nonlinear PDE systems; also, the internal PDEtools Library with 45 specialized routines for DE programming purposes is now available.


Extended event-handling for numeric solutions of ODEs.


There is a new set of 30 specialized commands for General Relativity computations in the DifferentialGeometry[Tensor] package.


RegularChains has been extended with two new subpackages--FastArithmeticTools and SemiAlgebraicSetTools--and additional improvements.


GraphTheory contains new and expanded commands, including isomorphism detection and the Bellman Ford algorithm for the shortest path in a weighted graph. More predefined graphs are now available in GraphTheory.


Enhancements to solve include new options to access environment variables, as well as improvements to solving trigonometric and inverse trigonometric inequalities, solving linear systems over cyclotomic fields, and solving for real solutions.


Improved integration of special functions, such as erf, Ci, Si, and Fresnel integrals, and new calling sequences for multiple integrals and numeric integration are available.


The new Student Numerical Analysis package provides tools and interactive tutors for learning, visualizing, and applying numerical analysis techniques.  The Calculus1 package has been updated with a new command to see all steps of the solution to a Calculus problem.


Other improvements in many areas of mathematics, including linear algebra, number theory, combinatorics, and linear functional systems.


For more information, see New and Enhanced Packages, Differential Equations, Language, Efficiency, Numerics, and Symbolics.

Improvements to Computation and Efficiency


Efficiency improvements in heap extraction, modular expansion and division of multivariate polynomials, finding GCDs over algebraic number and function fields, matrix decomposition, and singular values computations.


The Task Programming Model makes multithreaded code easier to write.


For more information, see Efficiency and Programming.

Extended Connectivity


CAD connectivity has been extended to include the NX CAD software.


The OpenMaple[C] packages has new commands to push and pop error handling procedures and memory allocation functions.


For more information, see CAD and Programming.

User Interface Improvements


The Maple Portal acts as a starting place for any Maple user. The Maple Portal includes ten new tutorials on topics such as Plotting and Data Manipulation. From there, navigate to pages with more information for Engineers, Students, and Math Educators.


The Export as PDF feature can be used to export a Maple document created in the Standard interface to a PDF file.


You can now access operations from the DynamicSystems package through a context menu, making it even easier to convert between different equation and matrix representations, analyze the dynamics of a system, and obtain plots of the frequency, impulse, and system response characteristics to a variety of inputs.


You now have two easy ways to get help on a command: click on a word that you enter in a worksheet and press F2 (Control+?, Macintosh), or, from the context menu, choose Help On Command. The help system opens to the help topic for that command.


Over 50 task templates have been added or updated in a variety of subjects. Previous templates have been upgraded to include a point-and-click interface for easier interactive problem solving.


The Worksheet Migration Assistant makes it easy to convert a large collection of worksheets from the Classic Maple format to the modern full-featured Standard Maple format. As part of the migration process, you can convert Maple Input to 2-D math.


Access all of Maple's manuals within the Help System.  The Maple Introductory and Advanced Programming Guides are now available in the Help System.  Additionally, the Maple Getting Started Guide and Maple User Manual have been consolidated into a single User Manual, putting all of the information in one easy-to-find place.


The Copy as MathML menu item allows you to select a math expression in Maple and copy it to the clipboard as MathML language. It can then be pasted directly into another application that supports MathML language.


For more information, see Graphical User Interface Updates.

See Also

Index of New Maple 13 Features