Programming Facilities Changes in Maple 9.5
Maple 9.5 includes the following changes to programming facilities.
New Maple Library Archive (.mla) File Format
Debug Icon (Standard Worksheet interface only)
Programmer Interface for convert/parfrac
The LibraryTools and march commands recognize a new format of library archive that combines the .ind and .lib files. To use the new format, simply use a filename with the extension .mla where you previously referenced a .lib file.
Using savelib or LibraryTools[Save] is strongly recommended over using save. Saving to a library is more robust than saving to a .m file primarily because modules cannot be saved in a .m file.
The interactive Maple debugging facility can be invoked by clicking the Debug icon (beetle image) beside the Interrupt (hand on stop symbol) icon on the toolbar.
OpenMaple is a suite of functions that allows you to access Maple algorithms and data structures in your external program. This is the reverse of ExternalCalling, which allows access to external data structures from Maple. The OpenMaple API has been extended so that Java and Visual Basic programs can access the Maple math engine.
There is extensive help and examples for OpenMaple. For details, see the OpenMaple help page.
Visual Basic OpenMaple Application Program Interface (API)
The Visual Basic OpenMaple API is built on the existing C API. OpenMaple provides the ability to start a Maple session, evaluate commands, manipulate native Maple data structures, and control output.
Java OpenMaple Application Program Interface (API)
The Java OpenMaple API allows programmers to access the power of the Maple computation engine from within Java programs. Complex mathematical expressions can be evaluated and manipulated within a Java program. As well, most of the important Maple data structures can be directly manipulated as objects in Java.
Partial fraction conversion now accepts a programming interface form, where the input numerator and denominator factors must be specified in a list and the output partial fraction decomposition is provided in list form. For more detail, see the flist option on the convert/parfrac page.
See Also
Index of New Maple 9.5 Features
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