You can create many audio effects with convolution. For example, you can add reverb, or simulate how audio would sound in a specific room with its convolution with an impulse response.
For Maple 2020, AudioTools:-Convolution is significantly faster (for the default case) for those CPUs where the Intel IPP libraries can run optimized code.
Consider this violin note (to interact with the audio playback buttons below, open this page as a worksheet)
Read the kernel for the convolution—a "ding" sound.
Convolution of the violin note with the ding sound (on an i7-8650U processor, Maple 2019 takes 2.6 s, while Maple 2020 takes 0.02 s)
Moreover, AudioTools:-Convolution now supports multi-channel audio. For audio with M channels, the kernel can be specified as an M-column Matrix or Array. Each channel of the kernel is applied to the corresponding channel of the audio.