Calling Sequence
the domain of computation, a Euclidean domain
m x n Matrix of values in E
one of H, U or a list containing one or more of these names
Given an m x n Matrix B of values in E, HermiteForm[E](B) returns the Hermite form H of B, an m x n Matrix of values in E.
The Hermite normal form Matrix H satisfies:
(1) H is row-equivalent to B and H is in row echelon form
(2) The bottom-most nonzero entry p[j] = H[b,j] in each column j is unit normal, and either H[i,j]=0 or the Euclidean norm of H[i,j] where i<b is less than Euclidean norm of p[j]
(3) If B is n x n square Matrix, then prod(H[i,i],i=1..n) = u*det(B) where u is a unit in E
The uniqueness of H depends on the uniqueness of the remainder operation in E. For example, if E is the ring of integers, and a and b are integers, and the remainder of a / b is in the positive range 0..abs(b)-1, then H is unique. If Maple's irem function is used, as in the example below, because the remainder is in the range 1-abs(b)..abs(b)-1, H is not unique.
The (indexed) parameter E, which specifies the domain of computation, a Euclidean domain, must be a Maple table/module which has the following values/exports:
E[`0`]: a constant for the zero of the ring E
E[`1`]: a constant for the (multiplicative) identity of E
E[`+`]: a procedure for adding elements of E (nary)
E[`-`]: a procedure for negating and subtracting elements of E (unary and binary)
E[`*`]: a procedure for multiplying two elements of E (commutative)
E[`=`]: a boolean procedure for testing if two elements in F are equal
E[Quo]: a procedure which computes the quotient of a / b. E[Quo](a,b,'r') computes the quotient q of a / b and optionally assigns r the remainder satisfying a = b q + r.
E[Rem]: a procedure for finding the remainder of a / b. E[Rem(a,b,'q') computes the remainder r of a / b and optionally assigns q the quotient satisfying a = b q + r.
E[Gcdex]: a procedure for finding the gcd g of a and b, an element of E. E[Gcdex](a,b,'s','t') computes the gcd of a and b and optionally assigns s and t elements of E satisfying s a + t b = g.
E[UnitPart]: a procedure for returning the unit part of an element in E
E[EuclideanNorm]: a procedure for computing the Euclidean norm of an element in E, a non-negative integer.
For a,b in E, b non-zero, the remainder r and quotient q satisfy a = b q + r and r = 0 or EuclideanNorm(r) < EuclideanNorm(b).
For non-zero a,b in E, units u,v in E, the Euclidean norm satisfies:
EuclideanNorm(a b) >= EuclideanNorm(a)
EuclideanNorm(u) = EuclideanNorm(v)
EuclideanNorm(u a) = EuclideanNorm(a)
The Hermite form is computed by putting the principal block H[1..i,1..i] into Hermite form using elementary Row operations. This algorithm does at most O(n^4) operations in E.
| (1) |
| (2) |
| (3) |
| (4) |
Using positive range for the remainder, given by modp(a,b).
Z[Quo] := proc(a,b,r) local q,rr; rr := Z[Rem](a,b,'q'); if nargs=3 then r := rr; end if; q; end proc:
Z[Rem] := proc(a,b,q) local r,qq; r := modp(a,b); if nargs=3 then q := iquo(a-r,b); end if; r; end proc:
| (5) |
| (6) |
| (7) |